Aglaonema Jewel of India a “new breed” of Aglaonema hybrids. It has many qualities which are sure to make it a mainstay for interior use.
Plants can be grown from just 1 cutting which means you’ll have a fully developed root system. The overall height is only about 30 inches when mature and it can be grown in very large pots all the way down to 6 inch size.
One area that has always been a real downside to growing, shipping and caring for Aglaonemas is they are cold sensitive. Aglaonema Jewel of India has been breed to withstand temperatures below 40 degrees with no damage.
The temperature requirements for Jewel of India is a comfortable 75 degrees and the water requirements are low. Aglaonemas are one of the plants used in the NASA Clean Air Study and has shown to help remove Formaldehyde. Although most Aglaonemas have few problems with pest, occasionally mealy bug and scale can attack the plant.
Contact your local garden professional for information on treating your tropicals for pest.